Degrees and other awards conferred by Minnesota's postsecondary institutions
Minnesota postsecondary institutions confer over 100,000 academic awards at the undergraduate and graduate level each year.
Various filters allow you to customize your search by year conferred, institution, CIP code, race and gender as appropriate. These dashboards extract data from the nearly 1 million awards conferred during the past decade.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, IPEDS Completion Survey
Tableau User Guide
Source: U.S. Department of Education, IPEDS Completion Survey
Tableau User Guide
The tables allow you to search graduates by program of study, along with award level, using CIP codes. CIP Codes have a numeric code assigned to them along with a program name.
There are about 800 different programs students can study at Minnesota postsecondary institutions. Academic programs are classified using a CIP taxonomic coding scheme developed by the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Browse CIP codes to understand how the classification is constructed.
Programs can be searched at three different CIP levels:
2 digit CIP level groups programs into 38 broad academic categories.
4 digit CIP level expands programs within each 2 digit CIP category. A 2 digit CIP can contain multiple 4 digit CIP programs.
6 digit CIP level expands programs within each 4 digit CIP category. A 6 digit CIP is the most program descriptive level. This is the program name graduates use to identify their program of study.
Degrees and other awards conferred data are gathered and compiled by the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education. Data are from the annual Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Completions Surveys.
Data are from both public and private postsecondary institutions located in Minnesota and include graduates in programs from less than one year in length through the doctorate. For more information see descriptions of program length and program categories.