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Summer Academic Enrichment Eligible Programs

Program Info
Program: ThreeSixty Journalism Summer Camps
Sponsoring Institution: UNIVERSITY OF ST THOMAS

Main Contact
Name: Chad Caruthers
Title: Executive Director
Address: ThreeSixty Journalism, 2115 Summit Avenue Mail #5057
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (651) 962-5282
Web Site:
Curricular area: Communications/Language Arts
Grades Served: 9 , 10 , 11


Objective: Introduce and spark interest in high school students to communication and journalism, including news literacy and ethics. Students will learn the fundamentals of reporting and will write a story for publication, as well as explore additional multimedia opportunities such as blog and Facebook reflections and photography. Related field trips that complement classroom learning will be scheduled, and journalism and multimedia opportunities at St. Thomas and the University of Minnesota will be explored.

General student goals:

Short-Term: Students learn the power of journalism and produce their first story for publication, recognize post-secondary multimedia opportunities at St. Thomas and beyond as well as career opportunities.

Intermediate: Students continue to engage in storytelling and participate in ThreeSixty school-year programming and beyond. Students know ThreeSixty Journalism and St. Thomas support their futures.

Long-Term: Students continue to create content at TommieMedia and other organizations to amplify absent narratives in their communities.


ThreeSixty Journalism, an intensive multimedia program for high school students, is part of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas. ThreeSixty trains and supports the next generation of diverse thinkers, communicators and leaders.

Our summer programming offers students the chance to find and share their voice and story, enhance their critical thinking skills and develop their college readiness. Whether they dream of writing for a newspaper, working in broadcast news, engaging in a new-media profession or becoming a strategic communicator, ThreeSixty offers intensive writing, communication and college readiness programming to prepare them for success.

The virtual camps will be structured with instructional lessons in Zoom sessions, independent creative assignments, breakout group work and personal mentoring with professional writing coaches and editors. ThreeSixty will implement check-ins and ensure all students are able to complete their writing assignment by the end of the week.

Program Dates

College Essay Boot Camp: June 15 - 19, June 22 - 26 (two sessions, one week each) ; News Reporter Academy: July 13 - 24 (two weeks)

Can students reside on campus? No

Can students commute to campus? No

Can students take online classes? Yes

Estimated Online cost per student
Tuition: $500
Fees: $0
Books: $0
Supplies: $0
Transportation: $0