Student Transcript Request Form

Providing access to your college transcript, even after your school has closed

Complete this request if you are seeking a copy of your transcript(s) from a private college or training program that operated in Minnesota and is now closed.

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education maintains student records from closed or formerly regulated post-secondary institutions:

  • private colleges located in Minnesota
  • out-of-state colleges that were licensed or registered with the State of Minnesota
  • schools which may have been regulated by other Minnesota state agencies but used the term College, University, Academy, or Institute in their name

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education does not maintain records for all closed private colleges and training programs as other schools or entities may hold the records on behalf of the closed school. For more information, please refer to this site.

This request form can be used to request up to 5 transcripts per school.
Stop! This request form does not apply for transcripts from closed high schools.

The following items are required to complete this request form:

  • $15 fee. We accept e-check and e-payments
  • the name of the school you are requesting a transcript
  • your current legal name
  • your legal name while attending the school
  • approximate date(s) of attendance
  • fax number, email address, or mailing address of where you would like your transcript(s) to be sent

Payment of $15 is due at the time of request. We cannot issue your transcripts without confirmation of payment.

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