Financial aid makes college affordable for many students. The amount and type of aid available to a student varies. Grants and scholarships lower the cost of college per student, while work study and loans allow students to pay for college by increasing current income or deferring payment to future income. The combination of types of aid and amounts available to an individual student may influence his or her decision to go to college, or which college he or she chooses.
In 2021-2022, undergraduates enrolled in Minnesota institutions received roughly $2.6 billion in financial aid. In Minnesota, students are eligible to receive federal grants (such as the Pell grant), the Minnesota State Grant, other grants administered by the state (such as the Postsecondary Child Care Award), and grants from institutional and private sources. More than half of all aid students receive are grants, and the total amount of grants received varies by institution type.
Roughly one-third of grants that these students received in 2021-2022 came from federal or state sources. A little more than 60% of grants received were from institutions themselves. These grants are primarily offered at private non-profit institutions and the University of Minnesota. Aid in the form of grants (from all sources) totaled $1.6 billion in 2021-2022.
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