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Summer Academic Enrichment Eligible Programs

Program Info
Program: Create Something Great
Sponsoring Organization: Friends School of Minnesota

Main Contact
Name: Melanie Spewock
Title: Extracurric. Prog. Dir.
Address: Friends School of Minnesota, 1365 Englewood Ave.
St Paul, MN 55104
Phone: (651) 917-0636
Fax: (651) 917-0708
Web Site:
Curricular area: Fine Arts
Grades Served: 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9


Create Something Great is a multi-arts and enrichment program designed to help students retain and expand their knowledge over the summer.


Classes in visual art, performing arts, writing, science, reading, math, and recreation are offered, with a maximum class size of 14.

Program Dates

June 15-July 31, 2015 Programming available in one-week sessions for one to five weeks.

Can students reside on campus? No

Can students commute to campus? Yes

Can students take online classes?

Estimated commuter cost per student
Tuition: $280
Fees: $0
Books: $0
Supplies: $0
Transportation: $0