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Summer Academic Enrichment Eligible Programs

Program Info
Program: Carleton Summer Quantitative Reasoning Institute
Sponsoring Institution: CARLETON COLLEGE

Main Contact
Name: Jeremy Updike
Title: Director, Summer Program
Address: One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057
Phone: (507) 222-4098
Fax: (507) 222-4540
Web Site:
Curricular area: Social Science
Grades Served: 10 , 11


The institute is not a math camp but an intense program of training in several social science disciplines: political science and international relations, economics, and psychology. Students will learn how to think like a social scientist by not only receiving instruction in how these disciplines study the world, but by designing and engaging in a sustained, three-week collaborative research project with peers and their faculty mentors.


Students will be trained in how to use the statistical tools of these disciplines to answer a variety of research questions such as what factors cause war, how patterns of economic growth are related to social inequality, and how individuals make choices. Students in the SQRI will present their analyses and their results in writing and in public presentations, culminating at the end of the program in an oral exposition of their projects findings using text, figures, and graphs. In short, they will have, during the three-weeks of the SQRI, the very same experience that Carleton students do who eventually major in the social sciences and go on to use their quantitative reasoning skills in diverse fields such as law, science, academics, public policy and public administration, journalism, and information technology.

Program Dates

July 10 - July 29, 2016

This is a three week, full residential program.

Can students reside on campus? Yes

Can students commute to campus? No

Can students take online classes?

Estimated residential cost per student
Tuition: $2,995
Fees: $0
Books: $0
Supplies: $0
Room/Board: $0
Transportation: $0