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Commissioner Pogemiller Statement on Globe University and Minnesota School of Business



Contact: Sandy Connolly, Director of Communications
Office of Higher Education
(651) 259-3902

Commissioner Larry Pogemiller, Minnesota Office of Higher Education, today released this statement on the finding of liability against Globe University and the Minnesota School of Business in the lawsuit with the Minnesota Attorney Generals office:

Our office was notified this afternoon that Globe University and the Minnesota School of Business was found in violation of Minn. Stat. §§ 325F.69, subd. 1, and 325D.44, subd. 1. The court found that students in the Criminal Justice Program were misled, deceived and defrauded.

As a result of this finding, the Office of Higher Education is required to revoke Globe/MSBs state authorization under State Statute 136A.685. We will also be evaluating teach-out plans and options for the approximately 1700 students enrolled at one of these campuses.

We will be consulting with the Attorney Generals office and Globe/MSB on how to minimize disruption for students.

Please contact me if you have questions, Sandy Connolly.

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