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North Star Promise Promotional Toolkit

We've created a series of easy-to-use promotional tools to help spread the word about the North Star Promise program to students and families who can benefit from it.

High Schools, Colleges and Universities

Below, you'll find social media graphics and sample text, digital signage, printable materials and other resources to help you promote North Star Promise to your students and applicants. Feel free to point people to the main North Star Promise page as well:

If you have specific questions about the North Star Promise program or how to promote it, please contact Libby Fahrenkamp for additional information:


Community Members

You can help us by sharing information about North Star Promise with students, families and anyone who's considering going to or going back to college for a degree, a certificate or skill training for the trades. You can also direct them to the main North Star Promise page to learn more about the program:

Please contact Libby Fahrenkamp for additional information:


North Star Promise Program One Page Fact Sheet

English  Version

Spanish Version

Hmong Version

Somali Version

Talking Points Document

Click to download


Frequently Asked Questions

Click to download


Graphics are available in .PNG format, and are sized in 1080x1080 px and 1080x1920 px. To download an image, right click on the image and select "Save Image As."


Use this sample social media post text for various channels to copy/paste online in conjunction with the social media graphics above. Blue text indicates prompts for customized copy as needed.

Download PDF of Sample Social Media Text


Use the 1920 x 1080 px graphic to share information about the North Star Promise program on your college campus or high school TV monitors. To download to image, right click on the graphic and select "Save Image As."

NSP DigitalSignage 1
NSP DigitalSignage 2
NSP DigitalSignage 3



More Information

