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Campus Financial Aid Administrator Resources


The Office of Higher Education administers several state student financial aid programs as well as other higher education related programs. Those programs include grants, scholarships, loans, loan repayment programs, and work opportunities for postsecondary education students, borrowers, and others. For each program, you will find program criteria, statutes and agency rules governing the program, and guidance used to administer the program within the State Financial Aid Manual.
For current information on state financial aid program spending and trends, visit Financial Aid Data.

State Financial Aid Program Contacts.

Meghan Flores
Phone: (651) 355-0610

State Financial Aid Manager

Adam Johnson
Phone: (651) 355-0617

Fostering Independence Grant
Paramedic Scholarship

Brenda Larter
Phone: (651) 355-0612

Postsecondary Child Care Grant
Public Safety Office’s Survivor Grant
Summer Academic Enrichment Program
Work Study

Shannon Olson
Phone: (651) 355-0611

Intellectual & Developmental Disability Grant
Get Ready Student Success Scholarship
Minnesota Dream Act
Minnesota State Grant

Shawn Reynolds
Phone: (651) 355-0615

Minnesota Dream Act
Minnesota State Grant

Jennifer Skluzacek
Phone: (651) 355-0614

Tuition Reciprocity
Midwest Student Exchange Program

Nicole Strowbridge
Phone: (651) 355-0608
Minnesota Indian Scholarship

Tara Winchester
Phone: (651) 355-0616

Minnesota Future Together Grant
North Star Promise

Diamee Xiong
Phone: (651) 355-0603
Asipiring Teachers of Color Scholarship Pilot
Student Teacher Grants


State Financial Aid Manual

The Office of Higher Education regularly updates manual chapters for each of these programs. Some chapters may be updated more often than others. Schools are required to read all e-mail and written correspondence from the Office to keep informed of any changes in policy or guidance. Changes announced during the interim have the full force and effect of the Financial Aid Manual. All participating colleges and other partners are responsible for designating a contact and notifying the Office about changes to the campus contact information; including name, e-mail address, and phone number.

Each chapter of the State Financial Aid Manual listed below is the most current version. Financial aid administrators and others responsible for executing some or all of the program administration are expected to adhere to this guidance as well as any interim guidance.

Forms Used for Multiple Programs

OHE Audit Guides and Policies

Tribal College Supplemental Grant Assistance

Training Tool for Financial Aid Administrators

Developed and supported by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), CORE In-Service Curriculum offers online courses for NASFAA members to help new and current aid administrators keep pace with ever-changing regulations, laws, private donor restrictions, and technology.

The U.S. Department of Education also offers an online financial aid training module called FSA Coach.

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