The Minnesota Student Educational Loan Fund (SELF) Program helps students who need assistance in paying for education beyond high school. The SELF Program is a long-term, low-interest educational loan available from the Office of Higher Education. The program is distinctive to Minnesota, and the Office of Higher Education is the only lender in the program.
The SELF program does not receive state appropriations. Funding for SELF Loans is obtained through the issuance of revenue bonds. The revenue bonds are repaid from interest earnings.
Before applying for a SELF Loan, students are required to seek other sources of federal, state, institutional, and private aid for which they may be eligible.
SELF Loans have annual and cumulative loan limits that vary depending on degree type and grade level of the student borrower. Additionally, low monthly payments are required while students are in school. This ensures students are aware of their total borrowing and keeps us in touch throughout the academic journey.
Students can learn more about the program, apply online, and complete their SELF counseling at
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