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Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant

Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant Program


The Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant provides an educational benefit to dependent children under age 23 (age extended to 30 for those who served on active military duty for at least 181 consecutive days and were honorably discharged or released) and the spouses of public safety officers killed in the line of duty. Eligibility is determined by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.

Program Overview

Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree or certificate program or a graduate degree program after June 30, 2011, at an eligible Minnesota institution who have not received benefits for the maximum of 10 full-time semesters, or 15 full-time quarters, (a student who withdraws from enrollment for active military service is entitled to an additional semester of grant eligibility).

Awards are based on the annual average full-time tuition and mandatory fees charged by the institution, or the applicable tuition and fee maximum established in law. The annual full-time tuition and fee maximums are $17,370 for students in a 4-year degree or graduate program and $6,671 for students in a 2-year degree program, prorated for term length and enrollment level.

Program Contacts

Safety Officer Survivor Grant Documents & Resources

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