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Summer Academic Enrichment Eligible Programs

Program Info
Sponsoring Organization: D.I.V.I.N.E. Institute

Main Contact
Name: Crystal Brown
Title: Sr. Executive Assistant
Address: 838 Stellar Pl
Saint Paul, MN 55130
Phone: (651) 447-5120
Web Site:
Curricular area: Fine Arts
Grades Served: 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11


Our goal is to make learning fun and unconventional for youth who learn different from the traditional classroom setting.

Our objectives for summer 2023 are: ~ introduce 50 vocabulary words ~ pronounce 50 words ~ write 50 words ~ retain 20 of the 50 words introduced ~ spell 20 of the 50 words introduced ~ introduce five adages ~ retain two of the five adages ~ have WICKED FUN


They will be given a list of ten (10) advanced vocabulary words every week on the first and tested on the words on the last day of each week. The tests are point-based and the points transmute into dollars. Four (4) to six (6) tests given at the end of every week: spelling, definition, part of speech, sentence, synonym & antonym, and the adage from each week. Monday = spelling Tuesday = definitions Wednesday = sentences Thursday = Test Friday = Field Trip

Mnemonics are developed coupled with games to augment learning.

Program Dates

July 3, 2023 - August 11, 2023

Can students reside on campus? No

Can students commute to campus? Yes

Can students take online classes? No

Estimated commuter cost per student
Tuition: $1,000
Fees: $300
Books: $0
Supplies: $200
Transportation: $0