Contact: Sandy Connolly, Director of Communications
Office of Higher Education
(651) 259-3902
St. Paul, MN --Employers can now apply for a second round of grants that are designed to create or expand dual-training programs in advanced manufacturing, agriculture, health care services or information technology industries.
The grants are part of the Minnesota PIPELINE Project, which was established by the Minnesota Legislature in 2014 to expand dual-training and apprenticeship programs.
During the first round of dual-training grants, 15 employers received grants totaling $490,549 to support the training of 125 students/employees. The Office of Higher Education (OHE) will administer the dual-training grants, in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). Grant funds can be used to cover students/employees' tuition, fees and required materials for the related instruction training.
"We had a strong response to the first round of grants offered last year, allowing us to support on-the-job training for 125 students," said Larry Pogemiller, OHE commissioner. "This second round continues to grow the program and expand dual-training opportunities for students in Minnesota."
Dual-training programs provide structured on-the-job training and related instruction so employees can develop the necessary occupational competencies to succeed in their chosen career. These competencies are established by each industry and are validated by DLI.
"By combining on-the-job training with classroom learning, the PIPELINE Project helps employers develop their workforce," said Ken Peterson, DLI commissioner. "Apprenticeships and dual-training have been successful in the United States and Europe for centuries. We are excited to continue to support them in Minnesota with this second round of grants."
The request for applications and other grant materials will be released Monday, April 18, 2016. Employers must submit completed applications by May 22, 2016. The application includes information about the employer's program and the training provider the employer is partnering with to provide the related instruction. The maximum total grant application is $150,000. The maximum grant award for each student or employee participating in dual-training is $6,000. Grantees will be selected by July 2016 and grant funds will be available for fall academic terms. Technical assistance is available to assist employers interested in applying for PIPELINE dual-training grants at PIPELINE.Project@state.mn.us.
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