Contact: Sandy Connolly, Director of Communications
Office of Higher Education
(651) 259-3902
St. Paul, MN -- Legislation signed into law by Governor Dayton this year will help more Minnesota students pay for college, increase efforts to help more students of color succeed in college and encourage teachers to stay in identified teacher shortage areas.
Funding for the Equity and Job Connection Grant Program will be used to help Minnesota state colleges and universities and private organization programs improve postsecondary attendance and completion for underrepresented students.
A one-time boost in funding for the Minnesota State Grant program will make college more affordable for middle-income families. The State Grant helps nearly 100,000 Minnesota students pay for college each year.
Beginning this fall, Minnesota students attending graduate school at an eligible institution can receive help with child care expenses for the first time. The Postsecondary Child Care Grant, previously only available to undergraduate students, provides up to $2,800 in assistance per academic year. Interested students can find out more at the financial aid office of the school they are attending.
Other new initiatives include increased funding for student loan forgiveness for classroom teachers in a designated shortage area, expanded access to student debt counseling services, and new efforts to help more Minnesotans know about dual credit policies and federal teacher loan forgiveness.
If you have questions about the 2016 legislative initiatives for higher education, contact Sandy Connolly at 651-259-3902, or by email at sandy.connolly@state.mn.us.
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