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Who's Eligible for Tuition Reciprocity Benefits?

If you're a Minnesota resident (including eligible undocumented students), you're eligible for reciprocity benefits if you attend any Wisconsin technical college, or any two- or four-year public college or university in Wisconsin. If you're a Wisconsin resident, you're eligible if you attend any Minnesota public institution.

Is There Anyone Who Isn't Eligible?

Wisconsin students who are enrolled in the College of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or Dentistry at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities or Duluth, and Minnesota residents enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison or Milwaukee medical or veterinary medicine schools are NOT eligible for tuition reciprocity.

Students enrolled in programs that charge the same tuition rate to all students regardless of state of residence are not covered under any of the reciprocity agreements. Students taking distance education from a college in a neighboring reciprocity state while remaining in their home state are not covered under the reciprocity agreement with Wisconsin.

What Rate Do You Pay?

Minnesota undergraduate students attending participating Wisconsin schools pay the higher of the tuition charged by the Wisconsin college attended or the tuition charged at a similar Minnesota school. The reverse also holds true (see the following examples).

If you're an undergraduate student from Minnesota and attending:

  • The University of Wisconsin-Madison: your tuition will be the higher of the tuition charged by the University of Wisconsin-Madison or by the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
  • The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: your tuition will be the higher of the tuition charged by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee or by the University of Minnesota-Duluth.
  • The University of Wisconsin-River Falls or any other University of Wisconsin comprehensive college: your tuition will be the higher of the tuition charged by the Wisconsin campus attended or by a Minnesota State University.
  • A University of Wisconsin System College (a two-year school): your tuition will be the higher of the tuition charged by the Wisconsin campus attended or by a Minnesota Community College.
  • A Wisconsin Technical College: you'll pay what a Wisconsin resident pays for tuition at that school (apply directly to the school to receive your reciprocity benefits).
  • Wisconson Tuition Rates

Conversely, if you're an undergraduate student from Wisconsin and attending:

  • A Minnesota Community College, a Minnesota State University or the University of Minnesota campuses at Duluth and Crookston: you'll pay the higher of the tuition charged by the Minnesota campus attended or the tuition charged by a similar Wisconsin school.
  • A Minnesota Technical College: you'll pay what a Minnesota resident pays for tuition at that school (apply directly to the school to receive your reciprocity benefits).
  • The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities: you'll pay the higher of the tuition charged by the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities or by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • The University of Minnesota-Morris and Rochester: you'll pay the higher of the tuition charged by the University of Minnesota campus or by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

For a complete listing of the price of attendance at all eligible Minnesota schools, as well as all reciprocity schools in North Dakota, and Wisconsin, visit our price chart.

Graduate and Law School Rates

If you're a graduate or law student attending a participating school in the other state (Minnesota or Wisconsin), you'll pay whichever state's tuition rate is higher.

Reciprocity Tuition Rates Are Reviewed Yearly

To determine the exact tuition rate, students should directly contact the school(s) they are interested in attending.