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Reciprocity Applications


Instructions: Download and save the appropriate pdf application onto your computer, type into the form fields, print, sign, and send to the appropriate address as instructed within the application. If you don't have adobe acrobat software Download Adobe Acrobat PDF reader.

The South Dakota Minnesota Tuition Reciprocity Agreement will terminate upon the conclusion of the 2023-2024 academic year.  No new South Dakota students may apply for tuition reciprocity benefits at Minnesota schools beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year.  Likewise, no new Minnesota residents may apply for tuition reciprocity benefits at South Dakota schools beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year.   However, students currently enrolled shall continue to receive the reciprocity rate in order to complete the degree program in which they are enrolled at the date of termination. 

Minnesota student attending a

Wisconsin student attending a

North Dakota student attending a

South Dakota student attending a