Premieres Sunday at 7:00 PM
Contact: Sandy Connolly, Director of Communications
Office of Higher Education
(651) 259-3902
St. Paul, MN--Start early, don't let "sticker prices" scare you, and always fill out the Free Application for Financial Aid (FAFSA)--these are just some of the messages students and families will learn by watching a new television program, Paying for College: How Minnesota Families Make It Happen.
The program is a joint venture of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE), the Minnesota Private College Fund and TPT's Minnesota Productions & Partnerships. Additional funding was provided by Travelers Foundation, The Saint Paul Foundation and The Council of Independent Colleges.
"Most Minnesota students and families recognize that a postsecondary education is valuable and necessary, but too many believe it is out of reach," said Larry Pogemiller, Commissioner of the Office of Higher Education. "This television show was created to help them understand that with the right tools, higher education can be affordable."
Upcoming statewide digital Minnesota Channel broadcasts are scheduled for:
In addition to the 30-minute broadcast program, five video shorts are being produced for specific audiences: one for families with students who will be the first to go to college; one for families considering private nonprofit colleges; and others in Somali, Hmong and Spanish. Each short addresses the unique needs of the intended audience. They will all be available in September.
Following these broadcasts, the videos can be viewed on the OHE and MPCC websites. Information will also be available on how to obtain a copy of a DVD with all six programs, free of charge.
"College has a big pay off, but families are often uncertain about how they'll pay for it. Explaining how students and families pay for college is what these resources are all about," said Paul Cerkvenik, president, Minnesota Private College Fund. "Viewers will learn about how to make college possible and affordable by hearing advice from more than 20 parents, students, counselors, community leaders and financial aid experts."
For more information, contact Sandy Connolly at 651-259-3902 or by email at sandy.connolly@state.mn.us.
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