Contact: Sandy Connolly, Director of Communications
Office of Higher Education
(651) 259-3902
St. Paul, MN--The results of the annual Data Quality Campaign (DQC) survey released this week show that Minnesota is making good progress on actions identified as important to improving student achievement.
According to Data for Action 2013, Minnesota has met seven of the ten actions outlined by DQC, an increase of two actions since 2012. According to Larry Pogemiller, Commissioner of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE), action taken during the 2013 legislative session was key to this years improved score.
"Earlier this year, Governor Dayton signed into law ongoing state appropriations for the State Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS)," said Pogemiller. "Information gleaned through SLEDS will help us identify the most viable pathways for successful outcomes, helping to create a more seamless education and workforce system for all Minnesotans."
SLEDS is a collaboration of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE), the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). For the first time, SLEDS will bridge existing data from the three state agencies, providing a comprehensive look at education and workforce development in Minnesota. This data will be used to help policymakers, education stakeholders and parents make informed decisions to improve student achievement.
Actions still missing include the linking of K-12 and workforce data, completion of access policies for the information gathered and the use of the data for to promote educator professional development. These actions are slated to be completed in the coming year.
Read the Complete Report.
If you have questions, contact Sandy Connolly at 651-259-3902 or by email at sandy.connolly@state.mn.us.
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