Our office received notification on Thursday, June 29th, 2017, that Duluth Business University (DBU) will be closing. It is our understanding that the school will remain open until June of 2018 and will be working with students to complete their program; either at DBU or at another institution.
The company cited the denial of their accreditation application by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training) as a determining factor in their decision to close.
Our office will continue to provide updates and relevant information related to student records, financial aid, and teach-out and articulation/transfer agreements for those student affected by the closure as that information becomes available.
Students with questions or concerns can contact:
Kate McCartan
Institutional Monitoring Specialist
School Licensure and Registration
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
651-259-3912; kate.mccartan@state.mn.us.
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